A strange but accurate way of describing the utter contempt for people in Tynedale shown by Northumberland County Council in closing the Prudhoe East Centre.
This is also the view of many people including traditional labour voters who have been in contact with us already.
Gordon Stewart visited the Centre today (Saturday 14/1/17) and met many young people and others who are fully committed to keeping the centre where it is now and has been for so many years.
Gordon writes as follows ‘ I have worked on youth projects for many years and still do, I have tried to look at this issue with an open mind, but can see no logical explanation for the underhanded secretive and poorly thought out actions of those currently in power’
‘ They will try to justify this by saying they have to make cuts’- ‘Absolute rubbish- They have played that card far too many times and may get away with it in their heartland of Ashington, but Prudhoe has suffered so badly for so long, this is the breaking point for such a proud town’
(You have all paid towards the £52,000 cost of providing posters / banners displayed by NCC at various sites around the county, a Council short of cash ? So much could have been provided for youth services in Tynedale with that money).
‘They may say they are going to go to consultation, a bit late with the property already on the market’
NCC’s preferred estate agents have already put the for sale signs up and are marketing it widely’.
‘Hang on a second they have done this without looking at the interior of the building nor paying any great attention to the outside’.
The estate agents are the same as NCC are using to sell County Hall at Morpeth, a very unpopular and unnecessary idea to fund a £80 million pound super HQ in Ashington.
Yes £80 million pounds ! not the much lower amount they quote, they forget to mention about roads, car parks, infrastructure etc in their figures.
All Conservative Councillors oppose this move and the waste of Council tax payers money.
‘Many residents may well think the sale of the East will go some way to fund the new HQ, I could not argue with that’.
‘The opponents to the East closing including the fantastic young people I met have captured the support of people in the whole of Tynedale already and have some great arguments to make and are campaigning so well already’
How you can help support the campaigners.
Like their facebook account prudhoeseast
Sign their petition to NCC
Write to your County Councillors– Let them know you care !
Attend the public meeting to be held on Wednesday 25th January 2017 from 6pm before the regular Town Council meeting.
Hopefully a bigger venue will be needed with so many people wishing to attend and show their disgust, please get as many people as possible there for this really important event and voice your concerns.
‘I wish to put on record that I will support the campaigners with all my might, if this is allowed to go through it will rip the heart out of the town’
‘I have already spoken to several Conservative Councillors on Northumberland County Council and they have also agreed to give their full support to the campaigners ‘
County Councillor Peter Jackson leader of the Conservative group said this evening (14/1/17) ‘The Conservatives are fully committed to stopping this ridiculous destruction of an important part of the local community infrastructure,the current Labour/Independent County Council is set upon a top down destruction of our way of life
Gordon went onto say ‘ I am in regular contact with Guy Opperman MP providing him with updates regarding this very serious issue, he also fully supports the campaigners’
The young people have spent a lot of time thinking about any positive reasons for moving up the hill to the fuse- And a simple but honest answer is given above – ‘NONE’
They have also prepared an extensive list packed full of arguments to stay put.
‘I will not share that list as it will be used to destroy the case of the Council’.
‘NCC will try to argue that the move will save money and provide a modern facility suitable for all, NCC be warned you will lose very badly’.
‘ I call upon all the Labour Councillors & the so called independents who back their ridiculous schemes to change their minds and ask your leaders to invest in Prudhoe not to destroy it, this has not been thought out at all’.
‘I offer to work with anyone who genuinely opposes the sale of the East’.
So where are the fantastic garage services going to be at the fuse ?
Don’t forget the boxing ring ?