A new zebra crossing has been installed near the Mafeking roundabout to give pedestrians a safe route to cross the road.
The installation comes following a consultation between council representatives and residents. It was delivered as a result of lobbying from Conservative County councillor for Stobhil John Beynon.
Councillor Beynon said:
‘Residents’ safety should be the first priority of any council and until recently residents have been let down in this respect. I’m glad our council is taking action to address this.’
Councillor Glen Sanderson, whose department is responsible for road quality and safety said:
‘For years people have had to take their lives in their hands when crossing the road at the roundabout. Signs and markings weren’t clear and many people were genuinely confused about when it was safe to cross.
‘We have introduced a new pedestrian crossing complete with Belisha beacons which make things a lot clearer and I hope it makes things easier and safer in future.’