Councillor Gordon Stewart is Northumberland County Council's Cabinet Member with responsibility for Communities. Gordon is working to keep our beautiful county beautiful by taking action against people who come leave more than just footprints. He wrote:
Northumberland is a vast and beautiful county, but unfortunately a few show a disregard for the environment, by leaving litter, fly tipping or failing to clean up after their dogs. Part of my role in the cabinet is to make sure we take those people to task.
We know the vast majority of residents hate to see disrespect for our county’s environment and that is why this Conservative administration is taking firm action against those who offend.
We have increased fixed penalty fines to the highest level permitted to send out a warning to the few who need to raise their standards.
These endeavours are supported by our Government that has provided £33,000 to boost our CCTV surveillance capabilities to help catch fly tippers in particular. Meanwhile our council officers are being more targeted in their work on the ground to catch the culprits.
We are empowering officers with enforcement powers to allow proactive action on tackling these issues. Fixed penalty fines for littering have been increased to £150 and dog fouling to £100. Repeat offenders will receive far higher fines or other punishments via a court.
Together we are taking the action needed to keep our county beautiful.