Tweet We'd like to know your views about key issues in Northumberland and what is most important to you and your family. Northumberland Local Residents Survey Current Local Issues National Issues Get involved Your details Leave this field blank 1.1. Are there any roads or footpaths in your local area that are particularly badly damaged, and if so, where? Yes No Not sure If yes please list, and we will ask Northumberland County Council to take action 1.2. On a scale of 0-10, how concerned are you about crime and anti-social behaviour? 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Not concernedVery concerned Have you experienced any specific problems with crime or anti-social behaviour that you would like to raise? 1.3. Which THREE of these local issues do you think should be prioritised? More homes that local people can afford to buy Supporting local shops & businesses Leisure, libraries & culture Keeping Council Tax low Improving green spaces & maintenance of parks Recycling & rubbish collection Parking Road & pothole repairs Caring for the elderly and vulnerable More support for renters School place provision Tackling crime & anti-social behaviour Protecting green spaces from development Transport & congestion 1.4. How would you like to see Northumberland improved as a whole? 1.5. Do you have any additional issues or concerns you would like to raise?